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Ôåëèíîëîãèÿ => Îáùèå âîïðîñû => Òåìà íà÷àòà: upamfva îò 25 Íîÿáðü 2022, 07:40:18

Íàçâàíèå: Community raises money to purchase bulletproof helmets
Îòïðàâëåíî: upamfva îò 25 Íîÿáðü 2022, 07:40:18
Community raises money to purchase bulletproof helmets

In response to national incidents of officers being targeted by gunmen, a borough business owner has raised thousands to equip the Rutherford Police Department with bulletproof helmets.Michelle Izquierdo, co-owner of Mason’s Cellar on Park Avenue, started a GoFundMe and in-store fundraiser. She set a goal of $5,000, and so far has collected just over half.To get more news about bulletproof zone review (https://bulletproofboxs.com/product/rifle-protection-fast-ballistic-helmet/), you can visit bulletproofboxs.com official website.

“With the increasing number of active-shooter incidents across the country this year, law enforcement experts are recommending that police departments nationwide purchase bulletproof tactical helmets for their officers,” Izquierdo said. “These helmets have been proven to be lifesaving in situations like the Orlando nightclub shooting, during which an officer was shot in the head but survived thanks to his tactical headgear.”
Mason’s Cellar has purchased five helmets so far from money raised at its Labor Day Street Fair proceeds. Izquierdo hopes to provide a helmet for each of Rutherford’s 15 patrol cars in its rotation. The helmets cost about $500 each.

The RPD just received another $1,000 from Ben and Penny Wilson.

Last summer, representatives of the national Fraternal Order of Police and union leaders in cities like Los Angeles and Houston called for patrols cars to outfitted with ballistic helmets, in addition to other military-style gear like heavier vests worn over bulletproof vests and rifles.Nearby Newark has a trained police SWAT team which utilizes similar headgear, and New York City officers are scheduled to receive new helmets late this year.

The Rutherford mayor and council accepted the first $3,100 donation from Mason's at the Dec. 12 council meeting.

Chief John Russo said the donation came as a surprise.“They have children and grandchildren in the schools, which is where we have really enhanced training,” Russo said. “They came to me and asked what they could do to help make us safer.”

“We are very appreciative,” he said. “With the initial donations and with what has been generated so far, we are looking to make the purchase of 16 helmets.”Russo said the next purchase for his department would be panels that can go over existing bulletproof vests, which serve to protect against high-velocity rifle rounds.

“I think with the training provided by the borough, and up-to-date weapons and body armor, and now with these helmets, we stand a good chance if — God forbid — something were to happen. We could get in there and bring a situation to an end, safely and quickly.”